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Things I'm Wishing For In 2012

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, Jan 03, 2012

Many thanks to Peter Shankman for inspiring this post (see his Things I’d Like to See Happen in 2012). Here's a list of things I’m wishing 2012 will deliver.

  1. May 2012 be the year we embrace social media for sharing - not endless self-promotion. I’m bored with hearing how busy and wonderful we all are. Aren’t we boring ourselves too? We can learn so much more from what didn’t go perfectly and how we adapted, improvised & overcame.
  2. May 2012 be the year that Inside Sales Reps embrace the fact that they are “the new black” and show us what they can really do. Dazzle us – you have the skills, the knowledge and the support!!
  3. May 2012 be the year of the least amount of public information about any of the Kardashians. (Copied verbatim from Peter’s list – because it’s my wish too.)
  4. May 2012 be the year I figure out how to keep my business partner, Laurie Page, off a plane. If I don’t she is going to kill me…I know she is. Goodbye cruel world.
  5. May 2012 be the year that Executives realize that to get the most out of your sales team you need to invest in them. That means training, tools, technology … and, oh yeah, you might want to pay attention to them once in awhile. (PS – forecast reviews don’t count. That’s torture – not mentoring.)
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Quick Thoughts for a Pre-Holiday Week

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Dec 20, 2011

First things first.

Thanks, for real!

Thanks for reading our thoughts and sharing your comments this year. We hope that, in some small part, our perspective (and occasional snark) made your job a little easier and your business more successful.

Your vote is your gift

As part of our 1/1/1 integrated philanthropy program, we are looking to make a year-end contribution to two charities. Please take a quick moment to vote for your top choice. We’ll be donating to the top 2 charities.
2011 Best Of!

As we love to do, here’s our official The Bridge Group 2011 Year in Review – best of:

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Recruiting, Motivating & Retaining Inside Reps [new research]

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, Dec 08, 2011

Recruiting, motivating & retaining great Reps is a critical component of any Inside Sales strategy. One thing that has largely been absent in the process is feedback from the Reps themselves.

With that in mind, I am very excited to announce the launch of a new research project with our good friends at Vorsight:
Inside Sales Motivation Research Survey.

We are asking Inside Reps (& reps only) to share 3-minutes on a web survey about what motivates them professionally and how their current role is stacking up. In exchange, participants will be entered into a drawing where one winner will receive an Apple iPad2 and another a Kindle Fire. For the full who, what, where & how please see this.

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Topics: inside sales hiring, inside sales motivation

5 Steps to Twitter for Sales

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Fri, Dec 02, 2011

This is a guest post from Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing a Seattle based marketing agency focused on sales acceleration. I saw this piece he had written on how to use Twitter asked if we could share it. I hope you find it interesting and useful.  Enjoy!

PS – I’ll save you some time… if your buyers are not on Twitter (and many of them are not) you can sally forth and do meaningful work or read on for future reference.  


Twitter will never be confused with a direct response channel, but it’s still a proven and measurable tool for finding and engaging more prospects. Below are five specific tips to start finding more opportunities via Twitter. 

1. Follow your prospects

Create private lists of your prospects in Twitter, and follow them via segmented columns in HootSuite, Tweetdeck or some other tool. If you want to stay more “stealth” until you're ready to reach out and engage, you can add prospects to a Twitter list without actually following them but either way, knowing what your prospects are thinking and saying will help you: get to know them better, learn quickly what their priorities are and give you plenty of opportunities to engage at the beginning of their buying cycle.

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Topics: technology, sales techniques

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