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Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Inside Sales Experts Blog


40% of Reps Will Miss Quota And I Feel Fine

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, Dec 05, 2013

Like many of you, I attended Dreamforce last month. As is often the case, some of the most interesting conversations happen in the hallways between sessions.

During one of those conversations, I got pulled into a debate between two VPs of Inside Sales.

The question under consideration

If 40% of the reps on a sales team miss quota, who is at fault?

VP #1 argued that the team wasn't properly led - essentially failure was on the sales leader’s shoulders. VP #2 countered that it was more likely territories were uneven and many reps were assigned unrealistic quotas - failure was on the shoulders of the sales planning organization. Having made their cases, they looked at me to choose a side.

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Topics: inside sales management, metrics

Take the 2014 Sales Development Survey

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Wed, Nov 13, 2013

Today, we launch our 2014 research on the Sales Development / Lead Generation function -- focused on teams generating pipeline (ADRs, BDRs, MDRs, SDRs).

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Pay No Attention To The 'All Powerful' Buyer

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, Nov 07, 2013

For some time, I’ve had a thorn in my side about a particular ‘insight’ floating around the sales punditry.

I’ve grumbled when it was repeated on conference stages, scowled reading it on blogs, and I might have exclaimed ‘for f***s sake’ when I found in Dan Pink’s (otherwise) excellent To Sell is Human.

But earlier this week, I heard it from a young Inside Sales Rep as a ‘justification’ for not picking up the phone. That did it. I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!

Here’s what he said: 

I don't believe in outbound calling. Maybe years ago, when sales reps had more info than prospects, it made sense. 

Now, the buyer is educated and has all the power – better to wait for them to come to me.

This essentially a parroting of the information assymetry idea: that pre-web we lived in an era of tyrrany where sales ruled over buyers mercilessly.

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Topics: sales tips

4 Outbound Prospecting Metrics You Should Know [New Research]

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Sep 24, 2013

I am unbelievably excited to release Issue #2 of the Outbound Index.

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Topics: lead generation, metrics, sales techniques

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