
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

SDR, AE, and CSM analysis

Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Inside Sales Experts Blog


Matt Bertuzzi

Matt bleeds blogs, business books and inside sales. He is never short an answer to the question, “Read or see anything interesting lately?” Matt works with Bridge Group clients on tools, roadmaps, and advice around inside sales. Internally for The Bridge Group, he works on technology, content, and other (fun!) projects.

Recent Posts

Inside Sales Comp Calculator: Base Salary & OTE

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, Mar 19, 2015

Over the last few months, we've published our 2015 research reports on the AE/ISR role (SaaS and non-SaaS versions).

Those reports provide closing rep compensation averages - both generally and broken down by several factors. A number of readers have emailed in to ask what base and OTE should look for them (based on geo, rep experience, ASP, etc.).

I've built a Inside Sales Comp Calculator to try to answer that. 

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Topics: metrics

2015 Research: SaaS and the AE/ISR Role

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Feb 10, 2015

What happens when 342 SaaS companies share key metrics for their inside sales closers (AE, ISRs, etc.)?

Forty-six pages of analysis, metrics, comp data, and trends.

I'm extremely happy to share our new research report: 2015 Inside Sales Metrics for SaaS. A huge thank you to the community whose participation made it possible.

Here's a peek at what we cover in the report.

Part 1: Group Structure

If you spend any time reading sales blogs, you'd think nearly every SaaS company has implemented tripod role specialization: SDR, closer, and farmer.

Turns out the reality is closer to 4 in 10. As you might expect, ACV comes into play for both the requirement and the ability to finance a 'tripod' team.

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Your Inside Sales Metrics for 2016

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, Jan 22, 2015

One afternoon in the summer of 2007, I was waiting in the dentist's office. This was pre-Android and only a month after the iPhone launched, so I had no screens to scroll and no feeds to skim.

Looking around the waiting room, I noticed a 'brush more, fewer cavities' poster on the wall. I distincly remember thinking, "That is basically a Crest ad hung up as as piece of wall art. Why doesn't that happen in B2B?"

When I got back to the office, I decided to try to make something worthy of being hung up.

Six months later, we published Rev 1 of The Periodic Table of Inside Sales. We are currently in version six with over 15k+ downloads and I couldn't be happier.

Here's an updated edition of the Periodic Table 2016 edition.

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3 Salesforce Hacks Your Inside Reps Will Be Thankful For

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Nov 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends. I want to share 3 quick changes to CRM that will most certainly make your reps thankful.

None of these are my original ideas and I'm thankful to the amazing Salesforce community for sharing them with me.

1) Display the timezone of a phone number

This one comes from my good friend and Salesforce mentor, Becka Dente.

You can add this formula field to accounts, contacts, and/or leads. Reps can then build and sort lists based on timezone. It's unbelievably useful for bunching calls together.

if( ISBLANK(Phone),"--",  if( CONTAINS( "206: 209: 213: 253: 310: 323: 360: 408: 415: 425: 503: 509: 510: 530: 559: 562: 604: 619: 626: 650: 661: 702: 707: 714: 760: 775: 778: 805: 818: 831: 858: 867: 909: 916: 925: 949: 951: 971: 424: 442: 541: 657", left( SUBSTITUTE( Phone , "(", ""),3)),"Pacific", 

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Topics: sales tools, inside sales motivation

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