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Hiring for Inside Sales [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Jun 07, 2011

A few weeks back, we wrote about this hot inside sales hiring market. Tracking this market and thinking about its implications has become a mini-obsession of mine. So being a huge fan of infographics, I thought I'd try to capture this hiring market - visually.

I compiled some statistics and did a little original research/polling and came up with the following: 
(Click to view full size) 


Feel free to share the graphic. Or better yet, share your questions & comments and I'll do my best to make it better.

So what do you think? Find anything surprising in the data?

Huge thanks go out to:

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Topics: inside sales hiring

Take the Social Media “Too Much Yappin’” Quiz

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Wed, Jun 01, 2011

I recently discovered a blog that I really enjoy - Pam Moore’s The Marketing Nut.

With her permission I’ve excerpted parts of her Social Media: A Little Less Talk and a Little More Action Please. The full post is well worth the read, but I want to focus on her “Too Much Yappin’” Test. 

To set the stage Pam asks:

Seriously folks, are you drinking too much of the social conversation Kool-aid? Do you really think that all you have to do is be social and the Twitter bird is going to deliver a basket of ROI to save your butt and justify all that yappin’ you’re doin’?

More action please!
If yer “yapper” is yappin’ your audience should be clickin’! Inspire your audience to action at every turn. As Brian Solis states “the social currency of online marketing is action.” If your audience is not inspired to take action on your behalf then what is it all for?

Relevancy is a requirement to inspire and connect. Yappin’ is good but only if it’s inspiring others to yap about it!  Take the quick test below to see if it might be time to shut yer yapper for a bit and figure out how to deliver real value to your audience.

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Topics: inside sales tips, technology

Market for Inside Sales Hiring [TREND]

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, May 24, 2011

Inside Sales hiring is up. Way, way up.

I was lucky enough to sit in on a preview call for CSO Insights’ 2011 Telemarketing Inside Sales Optimization Report the other day. This chart really hit me between the eyes.

Said another way, over 70% of surveyed organizations are hiring sales people this year. Nearly 1/4 are bumping their sales force size by 20% +. In case there was any doubt, 

Inside sales talent is in high demand

Anecdotally, I can testify that folks with 2-3 years sales experience are in white hot demand right now. Doing a little research, I crunched through about 100 LinkedIn jobs looking for “inside sales” reps. Here’s what I found for desired experience:

The height of the curve reflects the proportion of job postings requiring that level of sales experience. You can see that:

  • For Lead Generation reps: 1-3 years of experience is in major demand
  • For Inside Sales reps: those numbers are more like 2-4 years
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Topics: inside sales management, inside sales hiring

Sales & Marketing Word Association [VIDEO]

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, May 19, 2011

Since conference season is in full swing, we thought it would be fun to play a word association game with some Inside Sales thinkers, writers & doers we met along the way.

We asked them to respond to the following: Sales, Marketinginbound leadsoutbound prospecting. Here is what they had to say.

Pretty interesting stuff, noI also found it really fascinating to hear the responses grouped together. So I edited another cut here:

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