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The Swiss Army Knife of Prospecting

Posted by Janet Stucchi on Tue, Jul 19, 2011

Prospecting, prospecting, prospecting… no matter how much we want our “A-players” focused on closing business, building pipeline is still an integral part of any successful sales strategy.

Many Reps equate prospecting with the dreaded cold-calling. Some feel that their tenure has elevated them above the prospecting fray.

Probably more importantly, bells aren’t wrung & club isn’t often achieved for prospecting prowess. It’s no wonder Reps shirk, skirt or under-power their prospecting efforts.

It is up to us, the Inside Sales Leaders, to address this. Reps need to understand that prospecting is a process; not an event. The once-per-week call blitz is not sufficient. Successful prospecting requires a daily process, a good attitude, and the right tools to be successful.

When you think of prospecting, think of a Swiss Army Knife:

A multi-tool with many special-purpose tools to get the job done!
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Topics: inside sales management, inside sales motivation

Remote Call Coaching - Never Been Easier!

Posted by Cindy Littlefield on Thu, Jul 07, 2011

Today, Inside Sales leaders are increasingly facing the challenge of managing remote teams. Technology is making managing easier, but coaching remains a challenge.

Many first-line managers wonder:

How in the world am I going coach and mentor my team if I’m not sitting next to them, or in the same city or time zone for that matter?

Just the other day I saw this question on the AA-ISP message board:

I'm home based with an inside sales team out of one of our offices 2000 miles away. I'm not able to listen in on their calls unless we conference call. Is there a SaaS solution that we can use so that I can virtually "Y-jack"?

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Topics: inside sales management, technology

Quick Pearls of Wisdom from the Sales Illuminati

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Wed, Jun 29, 2011

I spent the day at the Boston Sales 2.0 Conference  last week. What follows are the pearls of wisdom I was lucky enough to pick up.

Enjoy! (Note: you'll find some of my comments in italics)


"An IBM study reports that 80% of CEOs say getting closer to the customer is a major priority."
- Keith Hontz, VP Sales Line of Business Solutions - SAP America

"Don’t interact with your customers without preparation. Three drivers: 1) access to contact specific customer info, 2) analytics to anticipate trends and 3) integration into one place."
- Chuck Penfield, VP CRM on Demand - Oracle

"Are all your customers created equally, and if not, shouldn't that dictate compensation?" 
- Chris Cabrera, Founder, President & CEO - Xactly

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Topics: inside sales management, technology, sales techniques

Common Pitfalls When Building Inside Sales

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, Jun 21, 2011

I recently had the pleasure of doing a podcast with the team at OpenView Venture Partners on “pitfalls to avoid when building an inside sales team.”  It was a great conversation with Brian Zimmerman, Managing Director at OpenView, led by Devon Warwick (@devwarwick).

(Note: You can read through a transcript of the conversation, you can listen to the podcast, or you can view a brief slideshare presentation of the highlights below.)

Inside Sales is Strategic

Devon Warwick: What are some of the primary pitfalls to avoid when building an inside sales team?

Trish Bertuzzi: I think one of the primary pitfalls is when people view the building of this team as tactical as opposed to strategic. We all know inside sales is an umbrella term. There are many ways you can implement and it’s not just as easy as: I’m going to hire some kids out of college, I’m going to give them a list, I’m going to give them a phone and they’re going to pound that phone and revenue is going to shoot out the other end of that effort. That’s absolutely not how it is nowadays. Things have changed. Inside sales is much more strategic, and it really needs to be approached that way.

Brian Zimmerman: I agree completely with what Trish is saying. In our portfolio companies, it feels tactical early, and when you’re looking at building a scalable model where inside sales fits in that model, it needs to be part of the overall go-to-market strategy and the strategy as it exists.

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Topics: inside sales management, inside sales strategy

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