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Inside Sales Experts Blog


Inside Sales Onboarding: An Interview with a Sales Enablement Pro

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Thu, Mar 05, 2015

We all know that ramp time is a KPI for inside sales organziations. From our 2015 inside sales research, we also know that the percentage of companies with 5+ month ramp time has tripled since 2010.

Online survey software company Qualtrics takes this seriously. And judging by their Glassdoor reviews, they are nailing it. 

Recently, I had a chance to speak with Charlie Besecker their Head of Sales Development, Sales Enablement and Professional Development. I asked him a few questions that I thought would be of interest to the inside sales community.

When did onboarding become a mission for Qualtrics?

When given the assignment of revamping our onboarding process, I asked what our ultimate goal was, "How will we know when we’ve been successful?" The response was daunting: “You know how Xerox, IBM, and Pitney Bowes, became synonymous with world class training and are spoken about for decades to come? Like that.”

As cheesy as it is, we started with a

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Topics: inside sales management, ask the experts

Inside Sales Interview Questions [VIDEO]

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Oct 04, 2011

I recently ran across this question on a group on LinkedIn:

What are some of the best questions you feel should be asked during a Sales interview?

Judging by the 162 (to date) responses, this is a hot topic. So I asked around and put together some interesting Inside Sales interview questions. A few folks were kind enough to share their favorite questions and the rationale behind them:

What do you know about us? What do you know about me?

This is a twist on the standard, did they do their homework question. It lets you see how well prepared they are & how confortable they are using publically available data. Did they do the research on you as well as the company or did they just show up and throw up?

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Topics: ask the experts, inside sales hiring

Central Desktop, CEO Isaac Garcia on When VC Means Value Add

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Wed, Apr 20, 2011

Did you ever run across an organization that you want to model your business against because they just get it? Well, I have and for me that organization is OpenView Venture Partners.

OpenView is focused on finding, capitalizing and assisting expansion stage technology companies on accelerating their journey toward market leading companies.

We find them to be open, sharing, knowledgeable and some of the best networkers around. Since we have a love fest going with them, we wondered if their portfolio companies feel the same way. So I asked if we could interview one.

What follows is a conversation I had with Isaac Garcia, Co-Founder & CEO of Central Desktop.
Central Desktop delivers a cloud-based social collaboration platform that allows people to connect and share information to drive profitable business results.

Heads up all you technology companies considering funding…. you may want to keep reading and add OpenView to your list!

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Topics: ask the experts, best practices

Ask the Experts – Remote vs. Centralized Teams

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Mon, Apr 12, 2010

(This post is part of an ongoing series of Ask the Experts questions, put to readers of our blog. Please share your thoughts and experiences by posting comments!)

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Topics: inside sales strategy, ask the experts

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