
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

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Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Inside Sales Experts Blog


Trish Bertuzzi

Author Jonathan Franzen said "one-half of a passion is obsession, the other half is love." With that in mind, ask anyone who's met Trish and they'll tell you - she is passionate about Inside Sales. Trish often remarks on how lucky she is to work with an amazing team at The Bridge Group, helping Sales & Marketing leaders make the big decisions: on implementation strategy, process to improve performance, supporting technology, metrics & measurement. Over the last two decades, Trish has promoted Inside Sales as a community, profession and engine for revenue growth. In the process, The Bridge Group has worked with over 220 B2B technology clients to build, expand and optimize their inside sales efforts.

Recent Posts

The Marketing Automation Drinking Game

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Fri, Sep 23, 2011

This is a guest post from Steve Gershik, Chief Marketer at 28Marketing. Steve has been a VP of Marketing & demand generation leader for over 16 years. He's a very funny guy to boot.

A drinking game, if you can remember back to college, is where you watch a movie or television show and you take a drink every time some key term is mentioned.  Usually it's the utterance of some cliche, character tag line (imagine Seinfeld saying "Newman") or a ridiculous, abstract, content-free term.

The Marketing Automation space is rife with the latter, which prompted me, during a Focus teleconference with Craig Rosenberg, Carlos Hidalgo, Justin Grey and Adam Needles, to propose whether there ought to be a demand generation drinking game.

So here are a proposed few rules for the game.  Feel free to add your suggestions and modifications in the comments:

  1. Every time someone says People, process, technology, take a sip.
  2. If someone says marketing automation is easy, pour all your drinks into his glass and have him chug everyone's drinks.  He's going to need it.
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Parlez-vous Inside Sales in Europe?

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Wed, Sep 07, 2011

UPDATE: We've released the Inside Sales Abroad ebook. Thanks to all who contributed to the research.
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Social Selling as the New Sales Skill

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Wed, Aug 24, 2011

I have a confession to share – I have gone through the full 5-stage Kübler-Ross coping model with the buzz around Social Selling.

Here’s how it went:

  • Stage 1: Denial
    Oh brother, another prospecting upgrade that trashes everything that came before it. This can’t be happening again.
  • Stage 2: Anger
    Are you kidding me?!! “Social” doesn’t sell – people do.
  • Stage 3: Bargaining
    I actually like what Nigel Edelshain has to say about Social Calling, maybe we can take the best prospecting tips and leave the BS Bingo behind.
  • Stage 4: Depression
    Who am I to fight the tide of the next great buzzword? 
    -and finally-
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Topics: lead generation, sales techniques

Pitfalls when Building Inside Sales (Part 2)

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Wed, Jul 27, 2011

This is the final part of a podcast with Brian Zimmerman on “pitfalls to avoid when building an inside sales team.” You can find the 1st part of conversation here: Common Pitfalls When Building Inside Sales.

(Note: You can read a transcript of the conversation, you can listen to the podcast, or you can view a brief slideshare presentation of the highlights below.)

Hiring is a Process 

Devon Warwick: A lot of our portfolio companies are in growth mode where they’re hiring. What are some pitfalls that they should be avoiding, particularly with the sales team?

Trish Bertuzzi: You need to have a process. So many people just wing it when it comes to hiring. You need to have a process for even just processing resumes. Have a checklist of your requirements. Have some way to look at a resume that is fact based not subjective. You need to have a process for peer interviews. You need to have a process for collecting feedback from everyone that’s involved in the interview process. This is not a place to wing it. 

Brian Zimmerman: I think it all starts with your aspirations and your company culture and truly putting on paper how new hires have to fit into your culture.

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Topics: inside sales management, best practices

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