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Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

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The Right Way to Generate Sales Candidate Referrals

Posted by Kyle Smith on Thu, Oct 23, 2014

Did you pay for your wedding cake on your one year anniversary? Did you put the down payment on your car after your first oil change? Ridiculous, right?

Then why do companies pay after the date of hire for inside sales candidate referrals?

There is definitely a talent crunch for SDR and ISR candidates. I’m seeing referral rewards of $500, $1000 and even $2000 for a single hire. That’s a big payoff, but the long odds encourage little effort. (Note: I’m talking about getting more referrals from your network - not from current employees.)

Many companies pay out after the candidate has been hired and working for 30, 60, or even 90 days. That length of time doesn’t incent immediate action and leads to little or no referral efforts.

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Topics: inside sales hiring

Lead Response Arms Race: Ready, Fire, Aim.

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Lead response time is a hot topic lately.

Companies have published research highlighting findings such as ‘calling inbound leads in under a minute delivers 3-4X conversion rates’ and ‘calling within 5 minutes vs. 30 minutes drops the odds of qualifying by 21X.’

I believe those studies are well done and their findings are true. But the question remains: for those of us with fairly complex B2B sales processes, do they matter

My hypothesis is that contact and conversion rates rarely equal quality of conversation (and ultimately revenue). I see two big problems in our rush to make contact.

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Topics: inside sales strategy, technology

Top States for Building Inside Sales

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Sep 23, 2014

If you could build an SDR or inside sales team anywhere in the US, where would you choose?

Would you go for college graduate rich Massachusetts?
Tech mecca California? Or low tax, low cost of living Georgia?

 As companies struggle to hire talent in their local markets, this is becoming more than a theoretical exercise. Last week, I polled 54 sales leaders and asked them:

Imagine you are building an inside sales team anywhere in the US. Which of the following would be top considerations in selecting a city/state?

Here's how they responded:

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Topics: inside sales management

How One VP Hired 23 Reps in 100 Days (and Lived)

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Aug 19, 2014

ZipRecruiter’s VP of Inside Sales, Kevin Gaither, was tasked with hiring 25 inside sales reps in just three months. This is his story.

Kevin joined ZipRecruiter in the summer of 2013. By January 2014, he’d grown the inside sales organization to a dozen reps, proving out both the concept and model.

With greater than 8K inbound leads per month, it came time to scale.

Four months and 700 candidates later, Kevin hired 23 reps (and lived to tell the tale).

Kevin shared three things he did right.

1) Approach the hiring process like you would a sales process.

Kevin’s ‘hiring funnel’ included:

  • 7 ‘stages’
  • A 4.5 hour process per hire
  • Starring roles for himself, his Managers, and Reps
  • 3.5% conversion rate from candidate-to-hire
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Topics: inside sales management, metrics

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