The other day I ran into this article from Harvard Business Review, Motivating Salespeople: What Really Works.
Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Jul 17, 2012
The other day I ran into this article from Harvard Business Review, Motivating Salespeople: What Really Works.
Topics: inside sales management
Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Wed, May 16, 2012
Photo credit: zooboing
It is a sales truism that we've been given two ears and one mouth and they should be used in roughly that proportion. This is the classical sales ratio - 2:1.
In recent years, there has been tremendous discussion and discovery around Sales as science, not art. I believe this to be true - at least in part. Sales is no longer a black box; a magical alchemy known only to the Sales illuminati.
(Take a look at HubSpot VP of Sales, Mark Roberge’s Scalable Predictable Sales & Marketing presentation for great perspective on metrics-based management)
The new sales ratio
Selling certainly isn't unknowable wizardry, but neither is it a chemical reaction.
That's why I'd like to suggest a new sales ratio. 1:1.
We've been given one brain and one heart. And they should be used in roughly that proportion.
A brief example
I'm lucky enough to have seen Jill Konrath present. Jill argues the case that buyers’ realities have changed (doing more with less, risk and change averse, using the web to self-educate) and this means our sales approaches must adapt.
Topics: inside sales management, best practices
Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, May 08, 2012
Hiring great Inside Sales reps has never been harder.
Increased competition for top talent and supply lagging behind demand means that when we land that great rep we have to make their experience with us outstanding! It is as much about retention as recruitment, right?
Our recent hiring infographic noted that 41% of reqs take 45+ days to fill. This is creating quite a revenue gap.
I recently shared my thoughts about how you have to be interesting and different to draw talent to you. But let’s say you are successful, what then?
Let’s start with the underlying problem
Sales and Marketing leaders are making a strategic investment in their hiring process and then undermining it with a tactical onboarding process.
Topics: inside sales management, recruiting
Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, Mar 27, 2012
A few weeks back, I came across this scenario on LinkedIn (slightly anonymized to protect identities).
Topics: sales process, inside sales management, inside sales strategy
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