
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Participate in 2020 SDR Research

by Matt Bertuzzi on Thu, Aug 20, 2020

 border=After much delay (and many pings asking when we're launching), today we launch our 2020 Sales Development research.

This is our 8th iteration of this project. This edition is more streamlined than prior years and will take ~5 minutes to complete. If you lead an ADR/BDR/SDR group, please participate

We had originally planned to launch this round in April.

And then...Covid.

My original thinking was to punt till 2021. But the volume of inbound emails asking for the timing of our new edition convinced me to reconsider. We have redesigned this year’s survey (ever so slightly) to help determine how things are changing. But, equally importantly, we want to focus in on what outperformance looks like in this environment. 

As always, all answers will be aggregated anonymously. We’ll be sharing the results with you and the rest of the community in the coming months. I appreciate that so many of you take the time to share. We couldn’t do it without you.


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