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New eBook Takes a Mythbusters Approach to Gen Y Sales Reps

Posted by Matt Bertuzzi on Wed, Jun 06, 2012

Research examines preconceptions about managing millennial sellers

Hudson, Mass. - Jun 5, 2012 - The Bridge Group, Inc.’s latest ebook, MYTHBUSTING MILLENIALS, examines seven preconceptions about Gen Y - comparing the responses of Gen Y sellers to those from Gen X and Boomers. In collaboration with Vorsight, the eBook analyzes responses from 983 sales reps that were surveyed on their current roles, motivations, needs & future plans.

Gen Y Inside Sales Reps “There’s no shortage of biases, prejudices and opinions around how ‘different’ Gen Y sales reps are,” said Trish Bertuzzi, President & Chief Strategist of The Bridge Group, Inc. “What was lacking was a clean examination of how Gen Y sellers differ from their Gen X & Boomer peers in terms of motivations, aspirations and future plans.”

Among the key findings of the research, released today, were:

  • Contrary to popular belief, Gen Y is as, or more, money motivated than Boomers & Gen X 
  • Gen Y sellers demand far more time & attention from their Managers than other generations
  • In terms of career paths, Gen Y doesn’t exclusively envision moving up the sales ladder– they are far more open to moving to other, non-traditional, parts of organizations (e.g. sales engineering, marketing, product management, etc.)

“Working with Steve Richard, Co-Founder of Vorsight, we opted to take a ‘Mythbusters’ approach for this research,” commented Matt Bertuzzi, Marketing Manager of The Bridge Group. “We were looking for statistically significant results that either confirmed or busted existing notions. And I have to say, the findings really surprised us.”

For the full ebook, be sure to visit The Bridge Group, Inc.: