
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Dreamforce ‘15 Sessions: My Top Picks by Role

by Matt Bertuzzi on Tue, Aug 11, 2015

df15Dreamforce is big. Very big.

Like 68 different sessions before 10AM on Day 1 big.

After a dozen hours of bookmarking, whiteboarding, and calendaring, I've built my agenda. I've also put together a short list of the sessions I'm most looking forward to.

Based on your role, I've created three slideshares:

I've embedded the first two below.

Top 7 Must Attend Sessions for Sales Leaders at Dreamforce 2015

View on slideshare

You can find the links to the individual sessions over on slideshare.

Top 9 Must Attend Sessions for Sales Operations at Dreamforce 2015

View on slideshare

If I've missed any big ones, please let me know in the comments.

See you at Dreamforce 2015!

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