
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Building Inside Sales in Europe [New Ebook]

by Matt Bertuzzi on Wed, Jan 25, 2012

Judging by the constant stream of job postings in the Inside Sales Experts LinkedIn group, the market for Inside Sales talent in Europe is hot.

Recruiting a German-Speaking Inside Sales Specialist in (Reading, UK)
Looking for Dutch-Speaking Business Development Agents for an IT Co. (Barcelona, Spain)
Hiring Multilingual Inside Sales Reps Based in Dublin (Ireland)

Through numerous conversations with clients, we've been hearing anecdotal feedback about the challenges US & Canadian companies are facing when building inside teams targeting the European market: the more active role of resellers, hiring for sales/language skills, list & data sources, acceptance of phone & web selling, etc.

New research on Inside Sales & Lead Gen in Europe.

So in Q4 of last year, we decided to do a bit of research. Today, I am extremely excited to release our new ebook on the topic - Inside Sales Abroad: Inside Sales Efforts Targeting Europe.

I found the data and comments from survey takers fascinating. One particular sentiment kept coming up again and again: 

While Inside Sales is gaining acceptance in Europe, Companies need to be prepared build, manage & support more than one implementation and set of metrics.

In other words, you might grow to manage several Reps in Cork, Ireland calling into the UK, another cluster in Barcelona, Spain calling into Southern Europe, and potentially smaller clusters in country within France or Germany.

Understanding what means of communication is most effective with the particular geography and how to build a sales process around that culture is a critical success factor.

The ebook gives companies looking to expand into the European market, or those already doing so, valuable metrics, data points and perspective. You can download your copy of the ebook here.

As always, please feel free to share any feedback you may have with our community.

Topics: inside sales management, inside sales strategy

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