I recently ran across an extremely active discussion on LinkedIn. The topic was What's the #1 Voice Mail Mistake Average Sales People Make?
At last tally, the thread had 65+ comments & I thought I'd do some analysis of the sentiments in this hot debate. The first debate point broke down around:
Which is the bigger mistake, leaving or not

There were certainly strong opinions on both sides, but the vast majority favored using voicemail as a tool in the sales process.
The PRO VM Camp argued:
When I leave a VM, I'm not expecting a call back. If I leave a short and compelling message, my hope is that they may take my call the next time I show up on caller id.
While the CON VM Camp countered:
Your job is to work the phones, SPEAK to people, don't leave them messages and expect them to do your work for you and call YOU back.
The second debate centered around:
What mistakes do Sales People make when leaving voicemails? |

The comments broke down into 4 main categories:
- Messages that aren't sufficiently relevant to Buyers
- Messages that are too long
- Sounding scripted, rushed, nervous or overly casual
- Leaving a single voicemail (the one-and-done approach) with no methodology for subsequent calls or emails
I wanted to share 3 comments that stuck out for me:
- Ray Carroll
Leaving a message that says "we want to become your global partner for XX product" is much scarier than "Hi, I have a couple questions about how XX is purchased." Scary questions don't get returned (in my world).
- Mike Osterhaudt
Not having a game plan for the message is mistake #1. Not listening to a few practice voice mail messages is mistake #2.
Leave a few practice messages in your own VM box. We all love the sound of our own voice, but be honest, would you return your own voice mail? If not, change your plan, sharpen the message. Rinse and repeat.
I learn a ton about what not to do from the voice mails I get from people soliciting me. At least 95% are too long and lack a compelling reason to do anything other than hit the delete button. The challenge is to make sure I don't repeat those mistakes.
- Brad Hall
I would love to hear your thoughts.
- Should sales people be leaving voicemails?
- What mistakes do see you Reps making?