
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Sales Development: The Sensation and (Now) the Book

by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, Jan 26, 2016

My first job in B2B technology was as a . . . get ready for it . . . telemarketing rep.

My job was to book appointments for my field reps. I had a phone, a list of names, and the #1 best-selling CRM of the late 80s and early 90s: a spiral-bound notebook.

I have to tell you I did a hell of a job with just those few resources. Fast forward to today. Telemarketing has evolved into Sales Development. No longer the red-headed stepchild, it’s now the launch pad for outstanding companies and amazing careers.

As Sales Development has grown in stature, so has it grown in complexity. If you want high growth, explosive growth, the kind of growth that weather satellites can see from space then you need to build this role into your strategy (and not bolt it on as an afterthought).

Enter the playbook

Sales Development PlaybookI'm extremely excited to announce the official release of The Sales Development Playbook. The book is available now on Amazon and the initial reviews are unbelievably gratifying.

I was compelled to write this book because of a major problem I’m seeing. There’s a fundamental misunderstanding of how to “do” sales development. Again and again, I see Company B copying and pasting bits and pieces of what Company A is doing (or, more accurately, what it appears they are doing) and failing to maximize success. From the outside, it’s easy to see that a given company (or competitor) has sales development. But it is next to impossible to see why, how, and if that approach is appropriate for you.

I’ve identified six elements for success

Sales Development Six ElementsMy experience as a rep, inside sales director, VP of sales, and business consultant led me to these six elements.

I wish I could tell you that one beautiful New England morning, looking out over the lake, I saw the pink light of dawn and inspiration struck. But it didn’t happen like that. The six elements are the byproduct of years of trial and error, witnessing mistakes, decoding success, and working hard with hundreds of smart, hungry client companies.

Throughout this book, I’ve tapped the wisdom of 41 practitioners and subject matter experts. I hope their stories will excite and inspire you.

Sales development is an “overnight sensation” thirty years in the making. And I’m thrilled that this day has finally arrived. My business card might say “President,” but I’m the chief sales development evangelist, and it’s absolutely the best job in the world.

If you’d like a quick preview, you can download an excerpt from the book.

I can't wait to hear your feedback.

Sales Development Book | Free chapters
Available now at:


About Trish Bertuzzi
Trish is the President & Chief Strategist of The Bridge Group, Inc.
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