
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Sales Productivity Tips in 10 Seconds or Less

by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, Jul 27, 2010

Being such a fan of twitter (@bridgegroupinc), I thought it would be interesting to ask some fellow “twiteratti” to contribute sales productivity tips.  But, of course they had to do so in 140 characters - or just about 10 seconds - or less!  It was a fun and interesting exercise.

Here is what I received:

rainmakermaker: "Unfinished cycles kill salespeople! Start. Run. Finish. Start. Run. Finish. Always agree to next step and date. Track starts and finishes."
Rick Roberge - Sales Consultant The RainMaker Maker

"Forget product, forget pitch. Tell  your prospect why a customer chose you."
Kate Mitchell - Account Development Manager Demandware

markroberge: "Measure the # of leads that reach out to you vs. you reach out to them.  Prioritize strategies that increase the former."
Mark Roberge - VP Sales Hubspot

sellingtools: "Spend more time w/prospects & less time on everything else by using tools: timedriver, egrabber, iSell, workstreamer, klpz, echosign, glance."
Nancy Nardin – Founder/Editor Smart Selling Tools

josianefeigon: "Meet the Dynamic Duo- VM+EM are combined for maximum response."
Josiane Feigon - CEO/Author TeleSmart Communications

srichardv: "Divide calling time into two activities: prospecting to find ‘em and phone stalking to connect.  Live connects beat email/vm."
Steve Richards - Co-Founder & Head Sales Trainer Vorsight

jillkonrath: "YOU are the prime differentiator. Not your product/service. Just you - your expertise, ideas & insights. Realize that & sales are a SNAP!"
Jill Konrath – Best Selling Author Snap Selling

nidanshark: "It’s not about you or your product, it’s about the buyer and their product, their buyers, their business, their day-to-day work."
Diane Fonseca - Account Development Director  Brainshark

pc4media: "Track your leads as they visit your site and use soc media to make timely and relevant connections via email, phone and social media sites. "
Pete Caputa - VAR Sales & Marketing Manager Hubspot

nedelsha: "Use social media to get referrals. Don't cold call."
Nigel Edelshain – CEO Sales 2.0

Sensing any trends? I absolutely did. There is a sea change going on in sellling. Those companies, managers and Reps that won't adapt are being left behind.

It is no longer about corporate control or the corporate pitch. Buyers are savvy and they want answers to real business problems not pabulum. 

So, what advice do you have to offer in 140 characters / 10 seconds or less? 

Topics: sales tips, inside sales strategy

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