Every day on Linkedin there seems to be a new discussion started on whether or not cold calling still works. I am going to say here what I say there:
There is no such thing as "cold calling" any longer. There is enough information at your disposal to know just about everything there is to know about your buyer except what they had for lunch (unless they are on Twitter!).

Nigel Edelshain just published an ebook called "Don't Cold Call. Social Call." And, he did a "bang up" job laying out this argument (I can say bang up because Nigel is British). The ebook discusses using social networks and Sales 2.0 tools to prospect.
In a nutshell, Nigel argues that:
- The cold call is dead, if it means "smiling and dialing" with little-to-no-preparation on behalf of the sales person. But smart prospecting is very much alive. Sales people can execute "social calls" using the latest in Sales 2.0 tools and social networks.
- There are Sales 2.0 tools now available (including social networks) that help you with the 3 most critical factors in successful prospecting:
Establishing relationships - what do we have in common with our buyers
Using changes in your buyer's environment - what trigger event just occurred that makes now the time to talk to you
- Old fashioned cold calling resulted in 1 meeting for every 100 dials. Nigel contends that with social calling you get dramatically increased results - 1 meeting in 12 dials.
So, if your prospect isn't responding to your marketing efforts, "don't cold call...social call".
What do you think? Can using social networking and Sales 2.0 tools in prospecting increase the ability to "get in" dramatically? Looking forward to your comments!