
Sales Models, Metrics, and Motions Blog

Top 10 Competencies for Inside Sales Reps

by Trish Bertuzzi on Tue, Jan 27, 2009

Last week, V. Ryan Sarti of SwiftKickGrowth asked a great question on the Linkedin Inside Sales Expert Discussion Board.

What do you believe to be the top 10 competencies for inside sales people?

What qualities and skills do top performers have that others don't? Take out activity. What are the other skills and qualities that separate the wheat from the chaff?

That made me stop and think...here was my response.

Top performers are:

  1. Passionate about what they do
  2. Coachable...they embrace learning new skills and ideas 
  3. Not afraid of change 
  4. Relationship builders both internally and externally 
  5. Able to build a plan and know how to execute
  6. Able and willing to mentor others 
  7. Interested in trying new techniques 
  8. Not interested in negativity 
  9. Able to communicate as well with the written word as with the spoken 
  10. Healthy in both mind and body

I would love to hear what you think so please post!

Topics: inside sales management, inside sales hiring

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